26 Jul 2011

Why a website is often a waste of money

The reality is that the vast majority of small business websites do not see significant lead generation from the search engines.As the search engines shift to listing only websites with unique and popular content, most small business websites miss out on first page rankings, except in highly niche, local or business name searches.

31 May 2011

Tips from Google on What Counts as a High Quality Website

Google recently announced the new Panda update to Google search, which tackles the task of more rigorously assessing website quality. This has caused many sites with low quality content dramatically dropping in their search results. This is a plus for websites with high quality, remarkable and original content.

03 Dec 2010

Article writing for search engine rankings

There are many ways to improve your websites search engine rankings, but one of the most effective is through writing and syndicating articles on content relevant to your business. In this article we address how to write a great article and syndication of these articles.

21 Nov 2010

Selling online - the old rules of marketing still apply

For many established bricks and mortar businesses, building a complementary online presence is now an urgent task. In many industries, businesses are already well established online and aggressively pursuing domination of their respective niche.

21 Oct 2010

LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn is a social networking site for business, enabling professionals and business owners to connect with colleagues and partners across the globe. It is also a powerful business reputation tool. As of August 2010, LinkedIn claims to have the worlds largest professional network with over 75 million members.

13 Sep 2010

Facebook for business

Social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Linkedin are fast becoming powerful tools for business to showcase their brands and interact with new and existing customers.

21 Jul 2010

Creating great online content for your website

To appear in that search engine results for your product and service keywords, great content on your website is essential.